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Input Sought On Lerwick And Scalloway Conservation Areas

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Shetland Islands Council is seeking public feedback on proposed updates to the conservation area appraisals for Lerwick Lanes, Lerwick New Town, and Scalloway. The consultation, running from Monday, March 10th to Thursday, April 10th, 2025, aims to ensure these historic areas are preserved and enhanced for future generations.

The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 mandates local authorities to identify and designate areas of special architectural or historic interest. The Lerwick Lanes Conservation Area was designated in 1975, Scalloway in 1982, and Lerwick New Town in 1986.

A recent review of the 2010 appraisals found relatively little change in the character and appearance of the conservation areas. However, there has been a noticeable deterioration in building maintenance and an increase in the use of inappropriate modern materials, such as replacement windows and doors.
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Proposed changes include:

• Reviewing Permitted Development rights to align with current legislation and policy.

• Considering the introduction of Areas of Special Advertising Control.

• Creating guidance on traditional building repair, shopfront design, and external finishes.

Public drop-in sessions will be held at:

• Islesburgh Community Centre, Lerwick, on Monday, March 24th, from 2 pm to 7 pm.

• Scalloway Youth Centre on Monday, March 31st, from 2 pm to 7 pm.

The appraisals and further information can be viewed on the Council's website at

Dennis Leask, Chair of the Council’s Development Committee, said: “We’re keen to hear from anyone with an interest in the three Conservation Areas in Shetland. The proposals are relevant to residents, as well as businesses and tradespeople who work and provide services in these areas. We want to preserve the character, buildings and appearance of these historic areas for future generations. It’s important that we continue to review our planning policy to help us to do that."

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