The moves will help more people to have a home that meets their needs, whether it is by improving the way houses are allocated, building new homes or working with internal and external partners to fill empty properties.
The Council's Empty Homes Strategy, which was implemented in 2012, brings empty properties into use by using a mix of advice, information, financial incentives and enforcement action. Elsewhere, the local authority has worked in partnership with a wide range of internal and external partners to identify empty properties and specifically target the properties that cause a nuisance to local communities.
From April to October 2013, the Council revealed the following had been achieved:
- 10 properties brought back into use.
- 14 properties are on their way to being brought back into use.
- 3 empty properties purchased by the Council will be allocated to those on our 1 bedroom housing list.
- 6 empty property owners are actively working towards joining our Private Sector Leasing Scheme.
- £2938.91 additional Council Tax income as a direct result of 10 properties being brought back into use and updated Council Tax records.
- 437 survey letters have been sent to owners of long term empty properties.
While the updated Housing Allocations Policy will be implemented by February 2014, to give time for changes to be advertised and IT systems updated, which will further improve the service. The changes will help people who have had their house adapted to move more easily.
The construction of new homes is also on the Council's agenda, with six new socially affordable houses to be developed at Cornhill in Ayr. The site was included in the Council's current Strategic Local Programme (SLP) for priority affordable housing projects which can be delivered by March 2015, and will create one bedroom accommodation, particularly suitable for older people, with good public transport links, local shops and amenities in close proximity.
Councillor Philip Saxton, Customer First and Housing Portfolio Holder for the Council said: "A number of changes have been agreed which will make the housing services we offer, and those we offer working in partnership with others, even better for people seeking socially affordable housing solutions in South Ayrshire.
"A decision to build new homes at Cornhill in Ayr, an updated Empty Homes Strategy and Housing Allocations Policy will really make a difference to the lives of many people and improve their quality of life."