The contract will see the company replace ageing classroom units and undertake improvements to the main school building at Raigmore Primary School.
Work is expected to begin on site during the summer holidays and will be carried out in phases, with a completion date of December 2013.
The total cost of the project is £2,050,000 and is funded by the Council's Education Culture and Sport capital programme.
The redevelopment work will include:
- Removal of the existing units and replacement with a new three classroom block with learning support facilities
- A new nursery classroom unit and external play area
- Alterations to the main building to form a new entrance, reception, Head Teacher's office, meeting room and family room
- Refurbishment of toilets and some of the classrooms
He said: "The project is part of our programme to upgrade our schools to provide our staff, pupils and school community with modern learning surroundings."