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Groundwise Searches Ltd

Groundwise Searches Ltd Contact Details

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Suite 6, Princess Caroline House
1 High Street
Southend on Sea

About Groundwise Searches Ltd

Leading provider of HSG47 compliant Utility Search Reports

Groundwise is a leading provider of HSG47 compliant Utility Search Reports. Covering the UK and Ireland, we source the most up to date and detailed utility asset data, offering clients an efficient, and comprehensive, Dial Before You Dig service.

Groundwise was formed in 2000 to address the often difficult requirement to obtain utility plans for due diligence studies on UK sites.

Over the years many companies entered this market, but what makes us different?

We have an unrivalled dedication to customer service, each of our searches is produced by one of our team who will be your personal point of contact throughout the search. Searches can be supplied for anything from a dropped kerb to a new town proposal.

As much or as little detail can be included as you require for your project. We do not hide costs; each standard search fee includes upfront pricing for full utility searches. We believe that a safety first approach should be the very minimum and we enable our client’s with the choice to remove searches they do not require. Our services and pricing can be very flexible and we always seek opportunities for our client to save fees where possible.

We were the first to provide online ordering of searches. We were the first to provide our utility searches to the leading UK environmental search companies. We were the first to provide our utility searches to the UK legal property search industry.

We deal with utility companies directly and produce our own searches. We specialise as utility search provider, we happily provide searches to utility surveyors without competing with them. We have provided utility data within CAD reports since 2006.

PAS128 (D) Utility Searches
Comprehensive underground utility searches from Groundwise Our desktop utility search reports are essential for locating buried utility assets across the UK. Integral to development projects that require excavation, a utility survey from Groundwise could be the difference in protecting on-site workers, yourself and the general public from serious harm.

Desktop Mapping (CAD)
CAD Desktop Mapping provides a clear visual representation of all utility assets within the boundary of your work site, as identified in your utility search report.

Environmental Searches
What is an Environmental Search? An environmental search is an investigation conducted in line with property conveyancing to highlight and compile details about any potential environmental risks or conditions associated with a particular piece of land or property.

Use the Services
How to work with Groundwise
Clients that wish to use this website to order their utility searches will need to create an account or log on here. This service gives you OS maps to select your site, choose which utilities you wish to contact, and you can view the status of your orders via your accounts management page.

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