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WAH safety Solutions

WAH safety Solutions Contact Details

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Michael Mitchell
The Bailey, Cumberland Road,
North Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE29 8RD

About WAH safety Solutions

Scaffolding Training Expertise

Scaffolding training courses, tailored to your requirements.

Scaffolding Training Safety Courses
W@H and Fulcrum provide health, safety and training nationally to the construction, nuclear, petrochemical and power generation industries.
We offer a range of services and are specialists in scaffolding with vast experience in health, safety, training and assessment. We support clients operating in accordance with legislative requirements including British and European standards.

Mental Health Awareness
This course is available as either an online or face to face training session.

Working At Height Awareness Training
To give the attendees up to date knowledge of the relevant regulations, codes of practice and good working practices. Course can be tailored to suit clients own arrangements.

TG20 Operative Awareness Course
To provide attendees with the underpinning knowledge required to effectively understand the key aspects of scaffolding requirements regarding compliant scaffolding and access. Course can be tailored to suit clients own arrangements.

TG20 Management Awareness Course
To provide attendees with the underpinning knowledge required to effectively understand the key aspects of scaffolding requirements regarding compliant scaffolding and access. Course can be tailored to suit clients own arrangements.
View our course categories

Scaffolding Consultancy Services

Why do you need Scaffold Consultancy?
Working at Heights Safety Solutions recognise that not all companies have the time or resources to manage their work at height responsibilities internally. Furthermore, not all senior managers have the time or knowledge to get involved in complex legislation requirements or details. Enlisting our services as a scaffolding consultant is a cost-effective way to ensure that you and your company are kept up to date with the responsibilities placed on you by law.

Working at Heights Safety Solutions will give you peace of mind. In other words, our competent Health and Safety Consultants will advise you on how to meet legal obligations. Similarly, we carry out independent scaffold inspections and audits in line with the Work at Height Regulations 2005. Our consultants will provide professional and impartial advice on scaffolding standard.


Location Map

WAH safety Solutions Serves The Following Council Areas

WAH safety Solutions Serves The Following Towns

THE HOME ARCHITECTGlasgow Architectural SalvageMatheson Damp Services LtdScotdeck LtdSELECTA GLASGOW LIMITEDCommercial Transmissions GroupWestermans International LtdHugh Simpson (Contractors) LtdTennants (Elgin) LtdCF Concrete Pumping