580 Lattone Road
Carran West
Carran West
BT93 4EL
Northern Ireland
About FM Fire-Safety Training
We undertake and carry out fire risk assessments for any type of business premises, small or large. Fire risk assessments are carried out by a qualified fire risk assessor, ensuring that your business is fire safety compliant.
Why not try out our new online training courses, we bring a broad range of courses to suit the single candidate and business user.
We carry out fire safety training to suit clients needs & we can provide your business with fire safety signage. We also have a qualified technician on hand to carry out annual fire fighting equipment servicing, giving you and your business peace of mind on fire safety compliance.
Fire Risk Assessment
The Fire Safety Order (NI) 2006 and Fire Safety Regulations (NI) 2010 mean it is necessary that non-domestic premises have an up to date a fire risk assessment.
To carry out a fire risk assessment, our experienced and qualified fire risk assessor will visit your premises and undertake a systematic evaluation of all areas in your property. This will include the following:
Fire Safety Training
Each employer is responsible to provide fire safety training to their employees.
At FM Fire Safety Ltd, our training is tailored to suit each individual clients needs. We cover a wide range of buildings delivering fire safety training in Residential Care Homes, Health Centres, Hotels, Educational Premises, Factories etc.
Our training programme covers the following topics;
Why not try out our new online training courses, we bring a broad range of courses to suit the single candidate and business user.
We carry out fire safety training to suit clients needs & we can provide your business with fire safety signage. We also have a qualified technician on hand to carry out annual fire fighting equipment servicing, giving you and your business peace of mind on fire safety compliance.
Fire Risk Assessment
The Fire Safety Order (NI) 2006 and Fire Safety Regulations (NI) 2010 mean it is necessary that non-domestic premises have an up to date a fire risk assessment.
To carry out a fire risk assessment, our experienced and qualified fire risk assessor will visit your premises and undertake a systematic evaluation of all areas in your property. This will include the following:
- Condition of building
- Persons at risk
- Fire hazards & risk
- Ignition sources combustible materials
- Fire prevention
- Fire safety signage
- Fire safety equipment & maintenance
- Fire safety training & drills
- Existing fire procedures, emergency plan etc.
- Means of escape
- Fire safety deficiencies
Fire Safety Training
Each employer is responsible to provide fire safety training to their employees.
At FM Fire Safety Ltd, our training is tailored to suit each individual clients needs. We cover a wide range of buildings delivering fire safety training in Residential Care Homes, Health Centres, Hotels, Educational Premises, Factories etc.
Our training programme covers the following topics;
- Action in the event of a fire
- Fire risk awareness
- Fire prevention
- Evacuation & escape procedures
- Importance of fire doors
- Use of fire fighting equipment
- Practical demonstration on using a fire extinguisher