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Green Building Calculator - Energy and Carbon Calculator

Green Building Calculator - Energy and Carbon Calculator Contact Details

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Mr Brian Murphy
Oakleigh Drive
Eastern England

About Green Building Calculator - Energy and Carbon Calculator

Green Building Calculator
GBC Green Building Calculator provides information regarding whole building Energy Consumption, Carbon in use, Cost of building and Cost of running a building. It is an impartial, easy to use, value for money product that can make a real difference to the world around us.

Version 2 includes carbon footprint calculator for homes and non-domestic buildings. It is aimed at architects and interior designers but useful for all designer disciplines, self builders and constructors. Different building shapes, methods of construction, materials choices and resultant energy demand and consumption can be compared easily.

With XR Extinction Rebellion, Greta Thunberg’s behaviour change campaign, Architects Declare and Architects Climate Action Network, as well as Government bodies declaring and becoming involved in environmental design in a bigger way, architects and other professionals now have a quick way of creating greener buildings or easing their way into the ‘New Normal’.

Moreover, they will understand why 50mm of stone wool insulation, shown in the ageing textbooks, is no longer enough and sometimes has the wrong properties for the application. Users will be able to do their own U value calculation independently of manufacturers or suppliers who will do them for free, if using their products.

The GBC Green Building Calculator has been created for:
  • Building Designers: Architects, Technicians and Technologists, CAD users, Surveyors, M&E Engineers, D&B Constructors, Small Builders
  • Design Students: to evaluate their studio designs to help ensure they are future-proof and competent
  • University Lecturers: to introduce the potential sophistication of building information analysis outside of BIM CAD
  • Advisors: EPC, BREEAM, SAP, SBEM Assessors, Home Energy Advisors, Energy Consultants, Overheating Assessors, Building Performance advisors, Carbon reduction consultants
  • Developer’s Team: Evaluating House type, Wall thicknesses, Plot widths, Site planning, Regulation compliance or improvement, Marketing on Carbon and Building Performance
  • Constructors & Contractors: Design & Build Contractors on Tender Design Development, Contracts with Design Portion, Energy Performance Contracting, Specialist Subcontractors; for cost of variation or substitution evaluations, tendering.
  • Facilities & Property Managers: For in-house adaptation and churn activity
  • Self Builders: to check that quotes with specifications meet building targets, before they buy
  • Clients: to do their own project analysis
It also enables manufacturers and suppliers to place their materials and products property and cost datasets to populate the calculator with appropriate products in correct applications.

Easy to use
Instructions at every step:
  • For rows, columns, ranges of cells and individual cells
  • Colour coded cells to help show where to engage or not
  • Editable cells are open others are locked

Add your project data:
  • Dimension and numbers
  • Design Targets: Design Life, Temperatures, Hours of operation

  • Drop Down Lists of Multiple Choice Answers
  • Lookup tables that populate ranges of cells from datasets
  • Less typing, Less risk of errors
  • ‘Yes’ for Inclusion or ‘No’ for exclusion of elements in your project

  • Turn on or off more layers of sophistication in calculators: examples:
  • Windows: all same size (e.g. offices) ar all different (e.g. houses)
  • Temperatures: all rooms the same or some different

GBC carries out as many calculations as possible from the data provided and choices made
  • Only asks for more data when necessary to calculate something new
  • Some cells auto-calculate
  • Some auto-calculated cells can be overwritten



Name Role Email Telephone
Brian Murphy HNC Construction BSC Dip Architecture (Hons+Dist) Carbon Calculators 01733 238148
Brian Murphy HNC Construction BSC Dip Architecture (Hons+Dist) Robust Product Specification 01733 238148
Brian Murphy HNC Construction BSC Dip Architecture (Hons+Dist) Product Data Collection 01733 238148

Location Map

Green Building Calculator - Energy and Carbon Calculator Serves The Following Areas

Green Building Calculator - Energy and Carbon Calculator Serves The Following Council Areas

Green Building Calculator - Energy and Carbon Calculator Serves The Following Towns

ACCON UK LtdBabbity EnvironmentalKattrak International LtdEco SIPs Homes LimitedRethync LtdE & P BricklayingTHE HOME ARCHITECTGlasgow Architectural SalvageMatheson Damp Services LtdScotdeck Ltd