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Maxwell ADR

Maxwell ADR Contact Details

William Morrissey BE LLM CEng MIEI FCIArb Dip Adj
23 Bridgeman Terrace
United Kingdom

About Maxwell ADR

Project ADR is a specialist consultancy providing commercial and project delivery expertise mainly to the construction, infrastructure and public works sectors. We are experienced in project review and recovery activities and are accredited in project dispute avoidance and construction contracts claims management. Specialising in project review and effective stakeholder engagement we scan projects for emerging risk criteria and can act as strategic project mentors to your PMO.

About Project ADR
We are a project management consultancy with a refreshing approach serving the construction, infrastructure and property marketplace in both the public and private sectors internationally.

We Put You Back In Control
Project ADR is a firm dedicated to serving all stakeholders in the construction, infrastructure and the property development industry ranging from local authorities, utilities and state bodies to contractors, subcontractors, landowners, developers and communities.

We also provide specialist advice, legal support and expert witness services to professionals such as engineers, architects, project managers and quantity surveyors.

Strive To Deliver The Best Solutions
Disputes large and small represent an emotional and financial commitment by our clients, particularly when a client is involved in a ‘bet the business’ dispute. A persons life work and future financial security for his/her family could be at stake; this is a delicate and serious business.

Project ADR strive to provide the best representation and deliver the best outcomes for its clients in construction contract disputes, compulsory purchase acquisitions and stakeholder engagement in general. This can also involve arbitration, adjudication, conciliation, mediation, advocacy and commercial support services in proceedings.

Our Services
We provide services in a variety of areas, please choose from the list below to learn more.

Project Delivery & Risk Management Services
Project ADR accredited professionals specialise in project management , construction procurement & contracts, conflict resolution, effective stakeholder (internal & external) engagement and public consultation in both the public and private sectors in Ireland and internationally.

We provide the means by which you can identify and manage emerging risks and issues to deliver your project outcomes based on the values and benefits planned for in the time required; we scan the horizon.

Construction, Commercial & Environmental Dispute Management /Avoidance
Project ADR professionals regularly advise parties on strategy in both complex and simple construction disputes. We can provide an independent and objective ear and analyse the situation; we can manage dispute solutions.

Our accredited team of engineers and surveyors specialise in all aspects of construction contract dispute resolution using ADR processes ranging from Dispute Avoidance / Project Mediation, Dispute Board Members / Standing Conciliators to Conciliation to Adjudication, Arbitration and we provide expert legal support services in Court proceedings.

Project ADR works with public bodies, developers, builders contractors,sub-contractors, communities, project managers, engineers, architects and surveyors involved in construction, commercial and environmental disputes. We manage disputes and offer essential ADR services when you need to advance or defend claims.

Mediators, Conciliators, Adjudicators, Arbitrators, Project, Neutral Experts
Project ADR can also provide and /or select neutral and impartial Dispute Board Members and accredited Dispute Resolvers such as Mediators,Conciliators, Adjudicators and Arbitrators under procedures and rules of various professional and public bodies.

Resolution and Awards / Decisions can usually be made under the Arbitration Act 2010 and the Construction Contracts Act 2013 as well as other procedures such as Engineers Ireland, RIAI, SCS / RICS and the Capital Works Management Work and others.

Social Housing Delivery / Site Assembly & Procurement
Project ADR and Billy Morrissey in particular has extensive expertise in site assembly and planning in social housing and regeneration; including project procurement and delivery for urban and other authorities; Part 8 planning procedures, key stakeholder engagement and Competitive Dialogue.

We strategically advise local authorities and housing bodies in procurement and project delivery; we assist in ‘untangling the knots’ in the system.

Project ADR provides bespoke services in project and deal mediation / negotiation in commercial transactions and settlements including key stakeholder engagement.


Location Map

Maxwell ADR Serves The Following Council Areas

Maxwell ADR Serves The Following Towns

Alternative Tying Systems LtdACCON UK LtdArdent Consulting EngineersScaffolding & Access Supplies LtdAll UPVC Windows & DoorsA.G.S Steel Erectors LtdRBT Underfloor LimitedJGasJohnston Oils LimitedThe Big Block Co Ltd