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Estitect Technical Services

Estitect Technical Services Contact Details

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Brian Harris
24 Laganvale
Co Antrim
BT28 2XA
Northern Ireland

About Estitect Technical Services

The essential qualification of any company in the current market climate is the ability to act quickly on sales leads and the inevitable measuring of costs that make up the final estimate, enabling the company to win those precious contracts.

It is often the case that in-house estimating departments are often overloaded with work or, alternatively, cannot find enough to do, and, whichever way you look at it, it is very often counter-productive and certainly not cost effective.

Estitect Technical Services was formed in 1994 to give UK electrical contractors in the construction industry a complete electrical estimating service that is fast, efficient and sensibly competitive.

What we do

We offer a freelance service that is both professional and personal. Existing clients are from Northern Ireland, the Repuplic of Ireland, and the UK mainland.

Within this brief introductory you can discover for yourself the vast potential of Estitect Technical Services and how we can meet your Companys needs.

We offer a confidential service, and all estimates will be prepared on our Computerised Estimating System, and will be returned back to your offices, allowing for any further discussion before submission of the tender.

Our service consists of taking information from clients drawings or bills of quantities, and setting out in sections, as required, in the Tender Summary, giving quantities, details, material costs, unit time in hours and totals.

Material discounts and labour rates can be set as standard or tailored to your own.

Various PDF reports will be produced to include full estimate details with summary and material schedules. A Schedule of Rates will be produced as the estimate is compiled, although any alterations or special requirements for this would be subject to an extra charge.

Any documents received for the same contract from other companies will be treated with "first come, first served" rule and those documents returned.

No contact is made with your client unless explicit permission is given to the contrary.

Our services

Estimate Takeoff
The estimate will be prepared using Our Computerised Estimating System. Estimate Takeoff Sheets will comprise details of various items as they are taken off Your drawings and specification. The Takeoff will be broken down into various sections, as required, in the Summary of Tender, i.e. Main Switchgear, Lighting Inst., Power Inst., Fire Alarm System, etc.

Estimate Detail
Once the various items have been taken off the Contract Documents, a report will be produced. This report, known as the Estimate Detail, will detail the Item Description, Trade Price, Quantity, Trade Discount, Nett Material Cost, Material Markup, Material Sell, Labour Unit Hours, Total Hours, Labour Rate, & Labour Sell for each section. All items on the Estimate Sheets will be laboured individually using man-hour metric rates. Any confirmation quotations required in connection with the bid will be requested and addressed to your company offices.

Section Summary
Following the Estimate Detail, a section summary is produced, showing section sell amounts to correspond to the Tender Documentation supplied by the client.

Bill of Quantities
The final report produces totals of all the components throughout the entire estimate, to help engineers order materials and allow final quotations to be sent to suppliers prior to ordering on successful estimates. This report also produces installed rates for the entire estimate, item per item.

Suppliers Quotations
Suppliers quotations are itemised upon completion of the Tender and enclosed with each estimate.

Other reports upon request:
  • Schedule of Rates
  • Wholesaler's Priced
  • Wholesaler's Unpriced
  • Group Report
  • Hours Report
  • Engineering
  • Quotation

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