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Plant Glazing Ltd

Plant Glazing Ltd Contact Details

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Mr Sandy Conner
Ruthvenfield Road
Opening Hours
12:00-12:00 View All Hours
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24 Hour 7 Day service

About Plant Glazing Ltd

Plant Glazing provide on-site safety glazing throughout Scotland

Formed in 1977, Plant Glazing has grown to become Scotland’s leading specialists in on-site safety glazing serving all of Scotland.

With our wealth of experiences and our fleet 11 fully stocked purpose-built mobile workshops we are able to respond quickly to your call. Specialising in plant glazing, agricultural and commercial glazing we are able to reglaze all types of plant which is used in construction, farming and other industries as well as car and commercial windscreen replacements and repair.

Plant Glazing operates from Perth with our mobile purpose built workshops on standby across Scotland to enable us to provide a glazing service at short notice.

We carry large stocks of glass and polycarbonates to ensure we have the correct components for every job. Our Head Office is equipped with an up to date computer system which has links to the largest glass distributors in the UK, therefore if we do not carry a particular glass we can source it quickly and often have it delivered the same day.

We are Scotland's largest supplier of construction and agricultural glazing with a reputation based on exceptional standards of craftsmanship and customer service, delivering quality and efficiency.

Our Services
  • 24/7 Support & Repair Across Central Scotland
  • Construction Machinery
  • Farm Machinery
  • Forestry Equipment
  • Car and Commercial Windscreens
  • 24 Hour, 7 day Service
  • Onsite Service

Agricultural Glazing
Agricultural machinery glazing is a specialist area in which we have over 45 years experience. Our specialist glaziers are able to replace glass in just about any kind, brand and model of agricultural vehicle. Whether it is a 4×4 hardtop, a tractor or a combine harvester we will come out to you and replace it right there at your farm or site.

If you need us to replace a windscreen, body glass, tractor cab glazing, glass for combine harvesters, agricultural sprayers, loggers, excavators or any other kind of agricultural machinery then we will be able to help. We understand the farming community and have established a strong reputation working with the sector.

Plant Machinery Glazing
With Plant Glazing, damaged plant cab glass doesn’t mean a prolonged downtime. Our specialist plant glazing technicians will get your plant back on line with the minimum delay, and we have over 45 years experience of doing so. Whether you want glazing for a small digger, a giant earth mover or any other kind of machinery, we can provide it.

We carry a huge inventory of different kinds of safety glass for plant machinery including diggers, excavators, forklifts, dozers, boats, portacabins, and many more.

Car & Commercial Windscreen Services
Plant Glazing provides stone chip repairs and replacement of car windscreens, commercial windscreens and body-glass throughout Scotland.

Many kinds of windscreen stone damage can be repaired successfully without removing the glass. The maximum size that can be repaired is about the size of a £2 coin, but it also depends on where the chip is located, for instance if it is in the direct line of sight.

Our technicians specialize in providing the best windscreen services for all vehicles including coaches, classic cars and boats. Our technician will carefully examine the chip to see if it can be repaired, and if so he will inject an acrylic resin that is optically matched to the windscreen glass into the damaged area. This is then cured using UV light, The repaired area will be as strong as before the damage and almost as clear as the original glass, the process takes around 20 minutes.


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