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CVD Fire Protection Ltd

CVD Fire Protection Ltd Contact Details

Enquiries & Quotations
U1 East End Farm Estate
Lanark Road
ML11 8QG

About CVD Fire Protection Ltd

Welcome to the world and the standards of CVD. We are a success through total dedication to our core values of quality, service, excellence and innovation. We provide our clients with the edge.

Helping Shape Successful Construction Projects.
We help our wide range of clients to shape truly great construction solutions. As well as the highest levels of service, we continually investigate new methods, materials and techniques to offer the best available solutions.

CVD Fire Protection Ltd ImageDiamond Drilling & Coring
Diamond Drilling is the core of CVD's service, and we provide a wide variety of different solutions for different situations.

* Diamond Drilling & Coring
* Stitch Drilling
* Magnetic Drilling

In concrete, brick, natural stone and tile diamond drilling is recognised as the cleanest method for making penetrations for services.

CVD Fire Protection Ltd ImageFloor & Road Sawing
For deep road sawing through reinforced asphalt or concrete, crack inducers, expansion joints or cutting channels in floor slabs.

We offer a full range of floor sawing options for new build and refurbishments, using petrol, diesel, and electrically powered saws and a variety of blade sizes.

CVD Fire Protection Ltd ImageSurface Preparation
CVD provide all forms of surface preparation.

This includes reduction of floor levels, removal of paint and coatings, scarifying, grinding, planing, keying, bonding, polishing, scabbling, surface blasting, texturing and profiling of concrete and metal surfaces.

* Concrete Grinding
* Concrete Planing
* Shotblasting
* Superfloor

Machines can be used internally and externally free from fumes and with comprehensive dust extraction.

CVD Fire Protection Ltd ImageNuclear Decommissioning
CVD are actively involved the the decommissioning process for the UK's nuclear power stations. (see CVD at Dounreay page)

CVD successfully carried out the first dry wire concrete cutting project in a nuclear environment in the UK using Husqvarna equipment specially designed for CVD.

Location Map

CVD Fire Protection Ltd Serves The Following Areas

CVD Fire Protection Ltd Serves The Following Council Areas

CVD Fire Protection Ltd Serves The Following Towns

ContainexHutton Stone Co LtdQuickFix Plumbing & HeatingScaffolding & Access Supplies LtdM L Contracts Scotland (Stone) LtdJJK RoofingHBB GeoSales LtdBM DecoratingGarage Floors DirectA.G.S Steel Erectors Ltd