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Marley Plumbing & Drainage

Marley Plumbing & Drainage Contact Details

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01622 858 725
Kathryn Legg
Dickley Lane
ME17 2DE

About Marley Plumbing & Drainage

The Marley brand is recognised throughout the world, offering innovative solutions for the construction industry.

Marley Plumbing & Drainage is part of the Aliaxis group of companies, internationally recognised as a major global supplier of construction products.

Marley Plumbing & Drainage ImageMarley Plumbing & Drainage Image

Marley products
Marley Plumbing & Drainage not only provide products which are sustainable in their manufacture, but also those which are sustainable in their use.

  • Soil Systems
  • HDPE Drainage
  • Acoustic Drainage
  • Waste Systems and Sanitary Systems
  • Rainwater Systems
  • Underground Drainage
  • Sustainable Drainage
  • Aluminium Rainwater
ISO 9001 is by far the world’s most established quality framework, currently being used by 1,064,000 organizations in 178 countries worldwide, and sets the standard not only for quality management systems, but management systems in general. It helps all kinds of organisations to succeed through improved customer satisfaction, staff motivation and continual improvement.

Marley hold 16 kitemark licences and 6 BBA certificates, are members of the Plastic Pipes Group of the BPF and have representation on 24 European CEN Committees.

Marley Plumbing & Drainage ImageMarley Plumbing & Drainage Image

Sustainability & responsibility
Marley Plumbing & Drainage are committed to being a responsible company in every aspect of our operations.

Our guiding principles:
  • We manage our business with professionalism and integrity
  • We are committed to full legal compliance in all that we do
  • We aim to provide a safe, fulfilling and rewarding environment for our people
  • We benchmark and evaluate what we do to continually improve our value proposition
  • We engage with our local and wider community, schools and businesses
  • We actively measure and manage the environmental impacts of our operation
  • We will actively engage with Government, Industry and within the Aliaxis Group to influence and be informed of the latest legislation, regulations, technology and market trends.

Contact us by calling 01622 858888.

Marley Plumbing & Drainage ImageMarley Plumbing & Drainage Image



Marley are pleased to announce the launch of its latest Marley Above and Below ground price lists. The two new price lists not only contain the latest prices, but also product images, size & colour options and pack quantities. Both Price Lists also have an index at the back to make it even quick for you to find the product you are looking for.

The above ground price list contains a wide range of rainwater systems, including four Life4 gutter profiles - a high gloss co-extruded system. The above ground price list also includes an extensive range of soil and waste products, including the new 160mm Solvent Soil, which further supports the existing commercial offering of HDPE Drainage and dBlue Acoustic Soil. The new price list also features the Multikwik range, which includes Sanitary items, as well as the WC connectors, traps and compression waste that Multikwik is renowned for.

The below ground price list provides details on the complete underground drainage offering of Solid Wall Drainage, Quantum Highway & Sewer and Large Diameter Quantum.

Printed copies are available via Marley stockists nationwide or you can download copies of the above ground or below ground here or from our download centre.

MERCHANT UPDATE: A box of price lists will be sent in the post to you shortly, but if you haven’t seen these by the 10th May 2016, then please contact Customer Services on 01622 852585 and ask for a ‘TPL1’ for above ground price lists or ‘TPL2’ for below ground prices lists to be added to your next order. Already received some copies but need some more? No problem, simply email and request the literature required.

If you require a numerical price list (Excel version), including EAN codes to update your records then please email
Marley Plumbing & Drainage have launched a new PVCu Soil brochure, which provides a guide to the complete PVCu Soil and Waste ranges. The guide contains product specification information including; photographs, dimensional drawings, product certification, CAD availability and size & colour options.

The new soil guide not only has product details, but also incorporates design, installation and site handling information. Within the design section the brochure explains the importance of allowing for thermal movement, what chemical and temperature fluids are suitably discharged and the significance of preventing cross flow. The installation section details the different jointing techniques when installing PVC soil systems, how to support pipes using the pipe support range, along with other useful installation advice.

The newly launched 160mm Solvent Soil range has also been added to the brochure. The new offering has strengthened Marley’s existing commercial portfolio which also includes HDPE and dBlue acoustic soil. HDPE and dBlue range are now available as a separate brochure.

Download a copy of the Soil brochure here or request a printed copy via the Marley printed literature form. Alternatively call our Customer Services Team on 01622 852585.

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