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Ogilvie Construction Ltd

Ogilvie Construction Ltd Contact Details

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Mr Scott Ferguson
200 Glasgow Road
Whins Of Milton

About Ogilvie Construction Ltd

Our approach - React, adapt and succeed.

At Ogilvie Construction, we are aware that the construction and property markets are forever changing in Scotland, across the UK and further afield. That’s why the ability to adapt and to offer flexibility, whatever situation may arise, is paramount. With over sixty years of knowledge and experience, we have come across most eventualities and issues. So rest assured, we won’t be thrown by the unknown.

Our focus and determination to deliver the highest quality lies at the heart of everything we do, and have done for over 60 years. We're a founding member of the family-run Ogilvie Group and ensure that we can add value, no matter what project you entrust to us, time and time again. It is this approach that has ensured our steady and enviable growth and why over half of our business comes from existing clients providing us with repeat trade.

We are committed to delivering added value to any project entrusted to us. It is this approach which has ensured our enviable market position as a trusted, knowledgeable contractor delivering to the public and private sectors.


Experts in key industry sectors
Ogilvie delivers building projects in both the public and private sectors. We are a multi-skilled organisation, offering design and/or delivery services to a diverse range of clients.

Contact us today and we'll work with you to ensure your project is delivered on time and on budget - without the sacrifice in quality.


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